The Pavillon des Projets is an information, exhibition and cultural event centre dedicated to town planning, architecture and sustainable development in the Ile Seguin-Rives de Seine district.
Located in the heart of the Trapeze, it is both a showcase for this vast development operation and a cultural venue.
The permanent exhibition invites the public to discover the history of the Renault factories located in Boulogne-Billancourt throughout the 20th century and continues with the conversion of the site into an Eco - Quarter, started in 2004.

Le Pavillon des Projets est un centre d’information, d’exposition et d’événements culturels dédié à l’urbanisme, l’architecture et au développement durable mis en œuvre sur le Quartier Ile Seguin- Rives de Seine.
Situé au cœur du Trapèze, il est tout à la fois la vitrine de cette vaste opération
d’aménagement et un lieu culturel. L’exposition permanente invite le public à découvrir l’histoire des usines Renault
implantées à Boulogne-Billancourt pendant tout le XX siècle et se prolonge
avec la reconversion du site en Eco – Quartier, démarrée en 2004.

Visitors can browse the exhibition freely or accompanied by a mediator.
The Pavillon des Projets also organizes conferences, guided tours, workshops, in connection with the industrial heritage and the recent development of the site which are aimed at the general public and professionals, schools and families.
Address 101 Allée George Askinazi
Métro : Pont de Sèvres (M9)
Phone: 01 47 61 91 70
Openings and hours from tuesday to sunday from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 6pm

Inscription par mail au pavillon_dinformation@spl-valdeseine.fr | En savoir plus


Pavillon des projets


Visitors can browse the exhibition freely or accompanied by a mediator.
The Pavillon des Projets also organizes conferences, guided tours, workshops, in connection with the industrial heritage and the recent development of the site which are aimed at the general public and professionals, schools and families.
Address 101 Allée George Askinazi
Métro : Pont de Sèvres (M9)
Phone: 01 47 61 91 7
Openings and hours from tuesday to sunday from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 6pm