

Individual tours:

You won’t find better guides than our enthusiastic and passionate speakers! The Tourist Office enlists a team of guides who are specialists educated in history, art and architecture. We organise a lot of guided tours throughout the year, so be sure to take a look at our bi-yearly program!


Vous ne serez pas mieux guidés que par nos conférenciers passionnants et passionnés ! L’Office de Tourisme s’entoure d’une équipe de conférenciers diplômés et spécialistes d’histoire, d’art et d’architecture. Nous organisons de nombreuses visites guidées tout au long de l’année. Jetez donc un œil à notre programmation semestrielle !

Group tours:

To make the most of a city as culturally and architecturally rich as Boulogne-Billancourt, you’ll need a guide to show you around. There are a million things to know about the area, so listening to your guide’s stories and anecdotes will make for exciting tours and help you really get a feel for the city, which is proud to be among the “Towns of Art and History". Boulogne-Billancourt’s Tourist Office offers tailor-made services (visits and/or hotel/restaurant reservations) with attractive group pricing.


To make the most of a city as culturally and architecturally rich as Boulogne-Billancourt, you’ll need a guide to show you around. There are a million things to know about the area, so listening to your guide’s stories and anecdotes will make for exciting tours and help you really get a feel for the city, which is proud to be among the “Towns of Art and History". Boulogne-Billancourt’s Tourist Office offers tailor-made services (visits and/or hotel/restaurant reservations) with attractive group pricing.


Boulogne-Billancourt boasts three unique municipal museums: The 30s Museum is revered around the world, and the Paul-Landowski and Paul-Belmondo museums honour the two artists with beautifully staged, modern exhibitions.

The city’s Albert Kahn Museum and its gardens are a refreshing change of scene for the many visitors it welcomes across the year. Finally, the Pavillon des Projets is the gem of the eco-district it’s located in and offers educational workshops for children and adults alike.


e Musée départemental Albert Kahn et ses jardins, situés sur la commune, accueillent de très nombreux visiteurs, toujours émerveillés par le dépaysement offert par ce lieu. Enfin, le Pavillon des Projets présente l’éco-quartier dans lequel il se situe et propose des ateliers pédagogiques pour petits et grands.

l'île seguin

Depuis la fermeture de « l’île-usine » Renault en 1992, l’Île Seguin se métamorphose et accueille de nombreux équipements remarquables au cœur de l’écosystème des rives de la Seine et d’un pôle urbain dynamique. 

Fancy watching some live music in the middle of an architectural masterpiece? Head over to the Seine Musicale, created by Jean de Gastines and Shigeru Ban (Pritzker Prize 2014) and opened in 2017.

l'île seguin

Since the closure of the Renault “Island-factory” in 1992, Ile Seguin has been transformed into a dynamic urban hub and has welcomed many remarkable facilities into its riverside community. 

Fancy watching some live music in the middle of an architectural masterpiece? Head over to the Seine Musicale, created by Jean de Gastines and Shigeru Ban (Pritzker Prize 2014) and opened in 2017.

rond rose

Ile Seguin (Seguin Island)

Depuis la fermeture de « l’île-usine » Renault en 1992, l’Île Seguin se métamorphose et accueille de nombreux équipements remarquables au cœur de l’écosystème des rives de la Seine et d’un pôle urbain dynamique. La Seine musicale inaugurée en 2017 fait vivre toutes les musiques au cœur d’un écrin architectural réalisé par Jean de Gastines et Shigeru Ban (Prix Pritzker 2014).
